
Developing on NVIDIA® Jetson™ for AI on the Edge

OpenNI2 ASUS Xtion

Walter Lucetti has step by step instructions on how to install OpenNI2 on the Jetson:

These instructions are derived from this Jetsonhacks post: Building OpenNI2 for the Structure Sensor from several months back.



6 Responses

  1. Hi ,
    Thank you for instructions.

    I installed the OpenNI2 on Jetson TK1 and also on ODROID-C1. I can grab frames from Xtion pro live but I can not grab IR and depth frame simultaneously. My program can grab either IR or Depth frame not both at the same time. Why is that? I have written the application in C++ with OpenCV.

    1. Hi Johan,

      Does NiViewer work on your setup? I believe that it grabs the depth and IR streams at the same time. Unfortunately I don’t have a Xtion Pro, so I’m not sure that other than guessing I’m much help to you.

      1. Hi kangalow,

        Thank you for your reply. I solved the problem. Now it is working I can get both at the same time.

        Thank you.

          1. I compiled all of the drivers but when I run the simple read example it says that the camera is in Safe Mode. I also tried the openni2_launch in ROS and it said the same thing that the camera was in Safe Mode. Do you know what the issue could be?

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