
Developing on NVIDIA® Jetson™ for AI on the Edge


A few days ago I installed a Enzotech CNB-R1 Heat Sink onto a Jetson TK1. As noted in earlier posts, with the heat sink installed the Jetson tends to run […]
After installing the Enzotech CNB-R1 Northbridge heat sink, I ran a temperature test using the CUDA Smoke Demo. Basically start up the demo, and take temperature readings over the next […]
The NVIDIA Jetson TK1 is a nice development board. With that said, the little CPU fan cooler squeals like a stuck pig. It’s not horrible when you’re in a noisy […]
Porting to a new platform is rarely easy. The steps are pretty straightforward, but all the niggles add up to make it easy to fiddle away the better part of […]
Installation of the Occipital Structure Sensor on the Jetson TK1
The video shows the unboxing and installation of the Structure Sensor to the Jetson TK1 development kit. You can find out more about the Structure Sensor here: Structure. So why […]
This is the second progress video about the port of openFrameworks to the Jetson. The demonstration sketch shows that most of the OpenGL issues have been sorted out. Also, this […]
Being a new development board, I’ve been a little leery to add peripherals that require driver support. In part, this was due to my first experiences trying to get wireless […]
I’ve been working on porting openFrameworks to the Jetson platform. This video is a bookmark as to the progress. Looky here: Using the ofxKinect add-on, the demo shows the ‘Kinect […]
Connecting a Jetson TK1 to an Arduino UNO is a fun way to get started exploring electronics. Looky here: Installation Plugging an Arduino into the Jetson TK1 through a USB […]
Connecting a Microsoft Kinect to NVIDIA Jetson TK1 The video describes connecting a Microsoft Kinect to the NVIDIA Jetson TK1 Development Kit. The Kinect provides 3D depth information about a […]


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