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NVIDIA Jetson Roadmap Update

Here’s a quick update on the Jetson Roadmap Update. The first major news is a scheduling update for the Jetson Orin modules:

This shows that the availability of the Jetson AGX Orin 32GB and Jetson Orin NX 16GB is several months earlier than previously anticipated! Somebody must have gotten the whip out over at NVIDIA.

The software roadmap has also been updated to reflect support for the Orin modules arrival. Looky here: We should see JetPack 5.0 soon, and maintenance releases for JetPack 5.1 shortly thereafter to support each of the Orin variations.

That leads us to the next hardware introduction which will be Nano Next in 2023. This product should be real fun! There’s been a lot of speculation about what it will be. Might there be early announcements about it towards the end of the year?

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