A quick blog update here. I’m thinking that when I’m publishing on other parts of the website, I’ll add a “Behind the Scenes” blog entry. That helps keep the blog up to date, and helps keep track of overall progress.
Blog Behind the Scenes
I’ve been working on getting the website cleaned up over the last few days. There’s all sorts of fun things to do, like move an image over two pixels. Move it over because it doesn’t quite look right on a smart phone or a tablet that I don’t have to test on. Things like that.
There’s also this black magic thing called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Let’s put it this way. There are literally tens of millions of websites that are running the same software that runs JetsonHacks. There are multiple industries to support that ecosystem. One of the ecosystems centers around building the websites.
The other major industry centers around getting websites to rank on the search engines, like Google. This is money. That’s where SEO comes in. There are all sorts of people in the SEO game. People who try to game the system, others who are following “best practices”. There are still others who are willing to sell their “knowledge” for a small fee broken down into several easy to handle payments.
It’s really interesting. You have some of the smartest people in the world at the search engine companies creating algorithms. The algorithms try to make sense of the web content, and produce good results for people who search. Machine learning plays a huge role in this now, so no one can fully understand the entire system now.
The algorithm is up against the rest of the world. The rest of the world sees the algorithm as some sort of casino. If they can beat the house, they win. Here’s an interesting parallel.
A parallel story
Back during the California gold rush in the late 1840s, a very large number of people came to California looking for gold. Resources were scarce in the gold mining towns. It was not uncommon for commodities such as shovels and other tools to be auctioned to the highest bidder.
Exorbitant rate charges for food and shelter too. A select few struck gold, so gold fever was easy to catch. However, the people making the real money were the suppliers to the miners. You may have heard of one of the suppliers, Levi Straus. You may have also heard of his invention, jeans. Some suppliers made generational money. The miners? Not so much.
And so it it is with the SEO industry. Lots of people with lots of advice. Some good, some bad. But they’re the ones making money on the deal. At its core, describing the search engine algorithm is pretty much like the three blind men describing an elephant.
The Articles
In between coaxing the website to do my bidding, I’ve written three articles. Two are announcements, another is a book review:

I believe that I’m finally at the point where I can actually start writing and filming actual Jetson content again. There’s quite a back log at the moment. I guess I need to decide if I think these Blog Behind the Scenes articles are useful. I also have a newsletter to write! It’s good to be busy.